Mod Team

Mod Soul [Head + Writing]
Mod Soul is an active member of the zine community and has been in over thirty zines over her years of contributing and modding. When the pandemic hit, she became fascinated with the Dream SMP, and quickly gained a soft spot for all of the women + c!tommy. Since then, she’s missed her fair number of streams, but her enthusiasm for her favorites hasn’t died down a bit. She’s very excited to bring this project to everyone and hopes to celebrate the women of the SMP in a big way!
Mod Yato [Art Mod & Layout Intern]
Mod Yato is a newer member of the zine community, starting off with the Dream SMP Fanzine and branching out. He has/is contributing to 10+ fanzines (with 9 of them being as a moderator). They first came across Puffy and Niki and soon Niki became one of his most watched streamers! Xe is really looking forward to seeing this zine flourish and see the women of DSMP getting the recognition they deserve.
Mod Fish [Graphics + Layout]
Mod Fish has been a part of the zine community for 3 years now and has experience in over 25 zines as an artist, merch artist or mod. He has been a fan of the Dream SMP since the exile arc and caught far too many late-night Puffy streams due to timezone shenanigans. Mod Fish is super keen to help share some representation for underappreciated creators within the community!
Mod Cherry [Finance + Shipping Mod]
Mod Cherry is an active mod in the zine community, who has been actively participating in several zines. As an avid watcher of the DSMP, Mod Cherry was motivated to participate and create community projects to share their love for several creators! They are excited to once again be a part of another amazing project and can’t wait to show what’s in store for this zine!
Mod Plus [Socmed + Art]
Mod Plus is quite new to the zine community but incredibly excited to be part of it nonetheless! She joined the DSMP fandom in December 2020 and has since grown to adore the c!Wilbur & c!Niki dynamic. He's beyond hyped to be part of the zine's making and shine some light on the women of the DSMP.


➤ In your application, you must submit a portfolio with upwards of three fully illustrated pieces.
➤ At least one of these should have a background.
➤ Your pieces are not to be sketches, nor are they to be uncolored.
➤ Please submit links that are visible to the public/the mods. If your pieces are not visible, we will not accept you.
➤ Mods will be judging based on aspects such as lighting, coloring, anatomy, style, and more.
➤ Works from the DSMP are not required, but preferred!
➤ Traditional works of art are allowed, but they must be scanned properly.
➤ Please ensure that your pieces are original.
➤ NSFW content should not be submitted as a sample, nor should it be included in your portfolio for the zine.
➤ In your application, you must submit a portfolio with upwards of three fully illustrated pieces.
➤ At least one of these should be a merch design that you’ve done.
➤ Your pieces should be completed.
➤ Your pieces should also be original.
➤ Please submit links that are visible to the public/the mods. If your pieces are not visible, we will not accept you.
➤ Mods will be judging based on aspects such as: style, coloring, and more.
➤ Works from the DSMP are not required, but preferred!
➤ NSFW content should not be submitted as a sample, nor should it be included in your portfolio for the zine.
➤ In your application, you must submit a portfolio with upwards of three complete pieces.
➤ At least one of these should be a piece of fiction under the word count you’re applying for. The more you show the mod team that you can work within the parameters of the zine, the better!
- ➥ For poets, this will consist of a poem under two pages.
- ➥ For long fiction writers, this will consist of a piece of fiction between 1500 and 2500 words.
➤ Your pieces should be completed.
➤ Ensure before applying that your pieces are original and of your own creation.
➤ Please submit links that are visible to the public/the mods. If your pieces are not visible, we will not accept you.
➤ Mods will be judging based on aspects such as characterization, style, flow, grammar, and more.
➤ Works from the DSMP are not required, but preferred!
➤ NSFW content should not be submitted as a sample, nor should it be included in your portfolio for the zine.
Other Creatives:
➤ When applying, please tell us in as much detail what you have in mind or what limitations you have on your work!
- ➥ EX: If you wanted to make skins or cosplay, describe the scope of what you could do. We want to understand what you're expecting and desiring to better help us!
➤ In your application, we'd like to see a portfolio with three or more complete pieces. This may look like a photoshoot, TikToks, completed projects, or anything else that's relevant to the skill you wish to contribute with! This is not mandatory, but will help us later!
➤ The more you show the mod team that you can work within the parameters of the zine, the better!
➤ Works from the DSMP are not required at all, but will help us better visualize.
➤ Your pieces should be completed.
➤ Please submit links that are visible to the mods. If your pieces are not visible, we will not accept you.
➤ NSFW content should not be submitted as a sample, nor should it be included in your portfolio for the zine.


Interest CheckFeb 3rd - Mar 16th
Contributor ApplicationsMarch 26th/27th - May 7th
Results SentMay 14th
Last Day To AcceptMay 21st
Additional Pitch DeadlineMay 23rd
Concept Check-inJune 10th - 12th
Check-in #2July 8th - 10th
Check-in #3August 12th - 14th
Final SubmissionSeptember 7th
PreordersSeptember 21st - October 26th
ShippingJanuary (approx)


What is a zine?
A zine is a collection of artistic works (mostly written/drawn) all centered around a theme. This zine is specifically a fanzine, which means it is made by fans and for fans who all follow the theme of the zine. It’s comparable to a book or magazine!
What is the zine’s theme?
This zine focuses on the women of the Dream SMP.
[X] isn't a woman, why are they included?
We are including any characters who use she/her as well as other pronouns! The use of 'women' is a generalised umbrella term.
Will ships be allowed in this zine?
Yes, but only by mention. Some ships are not allowed altogether to respect content creators’ boundaries. Similarly, some characters will be limited to the background or very brief mentions (such as Techno and Ranboo) to respect their wishes.
Is NSFW allowed in the zine?
No. This zine is strictly SFW.
Can I participate if I’m under 18?
Yes, of course! You must be at least 13 so that we’re in compliance with Discord’s TOS, but you’re allowed to participate even if you’re a minor.
How will contributors be compensated?
Contributors will receive a digital copy of the zine and digital merch regardless of if we break even. At our first breakeven point, contributors will receive the zine-only bundle with free shipping, and at our last breakeven point they will receive the full bundle for free, including any stretch goals that are unlocked.
Are AU’s allowed?
Is this zine inviting guests? When will guests be invited?
Yes! Guests will be invited as soon as we decide on them.
Will you be sending rejection emails as well as acceptance?
Yes! We will be sending out acceptance, rejection, and pinch hitter emails all at once. If you do not receive your email within 24 hours of the scheduled date, feel free to email us directly at [email protected] or send us a DM on Twitter, as those are the best ways to reach us. If any changes/delays are made to the schedule, it will be posted on our Twitter, so always check there first!
Can I apply for more than one position?
Of course! It’s very likely that you’ll only be accepted for one position, but you can apply for as many as you’d like!
Will moderators be allowed to contribute?
When will I hear back from you guys?
You’ll hear about the status of your application on April 18th if you’re applying as a contributor. Any delays will be communicated over on our Twitter account!
Are you giving feedback?
This answer is largely dependent on the volume of applications we receive.
Can I reuse a piece that I created earlier?
No. All pieces must be original and created exclusively for this zine.
How much do contributors need to know about the lore to participate?
Not much at all! We’ve got people who are able to catch you up and help with pitches if you find yourself stuck, but be warned that only recent spoilers will be tagged in the server.
How long do we have to create our piece(s)?
You’ll have approximately 3 ½ months from the time of your acceptance, with check ins every month.
When will I be allowed to post my full piece publicly?
Once pre-orders close, buyers have received their packages, and leftover sales are being readied, you will be allowed to post your full piece. Otherwise, you may post previews that showcase no more than 50% of your piece.
Can I use my piece in portfolios after I finish it?
Yes. Until you are allowed to post it, however, we ask that you only use it in private portfolios that you are sharing with the moderators of that zine only. We also ask that you include a note that the piece is not to be distributed.
Can I sell my finished piece/use it on personal merchandise?
Yes, of course. You may do so after leftover sales have ended, and at no prior point.

Contact us

Have questions? Contact us through our:Twitter
or email us! ([email protected])